Montefiore Nyack Hospital is now enrolling breast cancer clinical study participants. This study is for women who have recently been diagnosed with invasive breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ and are considering breast conserving surgery.
Possible benefits of the BCL study may include:
- Decreasing the chance of a positive margin.
- Decreasing the need for, and expense and discomfort of a second surgery.
- Decreasing the amount of breast tissue removed during surgery, thereby better preserving the shape of your breast.
Study participants may or may not have direct medical benefits.
For more information and to see if you qualify, please visit Breast Cancer Locator Clinical Study (montefiorenyack.org) or call 845-348-8507.
Sunny D. Mitchell MD, FACS
Medical Director of The Breast Center
Marion Vanwoudenberg
Research Coordinator